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  1. Hi Soundsmart, I understand your spanish but I prefer english... Sorry... :) But you are right!!!! Today I spoke to Smart Portugal and they explained everything to me: the 2 original main speakers are replaced to others with the same size, I guess, but from BOSE. Then they add the tweeters and the frequency amplifier. This little unit is placed near (or inside) de original smart radio. All this stuff is what I get from the price off 125euros. It's much cheaper compared to replacing the speakers from another brand. And probably I get a better sound for the money. I think I will replace myself the speakers with the help of a friend who has a lot of experience doing this kind of jobs. Can you supply me any fitting instaructions? or recomend a site who describes the process? Thanks in advance. And now for Thommy, I found this site when I was searching for replacing speakers in smart. Et voilá... I'm here. And happy with the comments :-D Thanks for everything. I just got my Smart for 3 weeks...
  2. Hi, Oeffi If it's better get non smart speakers, wich size do you recomend to fit in the original location? Do you recomend 2 way separate speakers? Wich brand and model? Thanks
  3. Hi, Thank's for the amazing support from all off you, guys! I'm live in Portugal, so it's unlike you can help me :( My problem is: I want to keep the original smart radio/cassete unit. Or later, change for the CD unit (not the CD changer unit). The smart sound pack cost, in Portugal, 125 euros plus installation. This pack includes new separate speakers (woofer and tweeter) and a frequency amplifier or anything like this, I don't know exactly... Do you think I need install more components for the smart sound pack? It's better install another separate speakers or install the smart sound pack? Thanks again!
  4. Hi again, I bought the car in last month (11/2001)... So, I have to change all the stuff! Can I do it? Or it's better contact the smart center to replace the speakers?
  5. Hi all, I'm sorry to write in englis but is because I don't speak garman. My question is: Can I install the aftermarket sound packet? Or it's better the smart center do it? If I can do that, Can you supply me all the fitting instructions? Thanks in advance.
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