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Smart is loosing the concept SMART
My clock didn't keep time, it was to fast. i just removed the cable and reconnected it and now it works.
Danke Tack Thanks! The problem is not to get in the Smart.The passenger door works normaly, it's the handle on the drivers door that gives me the problem,men som du sa , bättre att lämna in kanske
this morning after i opened the drivers door it wouldn´t close.it was something with the lock!?it wouldn´t close but in someway i managed to push the lock button and now the door is locked and i can't open it!Help!
My Passion -00 has 52000 km on the tacho I haven´'t had any problems and this winter there was days with -25 degrees in Sweden, it fired up with no problems. Thou with -25 it didn't want to put in the reverse.
Yes the brakes are very important, true... The whole idea is just thoughts. The Smart would not be used everyday,and my mind says that it would be supercool to have a original Smart(on the outside)and just see peoples faces when u start it up :o ;-)
Sheriff... Take a look at www.radicalmotorsport.com. they are using the bike gearbox thou they have the problem with not having a reverse gear. Also that car is about 200 k lighter then the smart. People race these cars in sweden and i talked to them last summer, they said that there was no problems.And the inventor was keen on helping me.
Ok....Maybe it was just a bad idea....But come on, imagine!
I don´t want you to laugh at me, and i´m not drunk, i still want to be able to write at this Very nice Forum(U have helped me a lot) but...I have this strange idea (just an Idea/dream) to put a Hayabusa 1300 motor in my Smart...Now you probably think i am very very strange(i am Swedish) Of course it's not the idea to get it thru the Tuv but....my dream could be possible with the right knowledge Ok now u can tell me what u think (dont throw me out:) :o My german is not that good in writing thou i understand whatyou write. Gruesse von der alte Schwede
Look at "Disconnecting ESP" in this forum and you will get all the pictures you need...even at the gyro
I had to disconnect the trust + on my Smart and i have to say that it was enough....dont touch the gyro....and if you turn the gyro 90 degrees you will have problem when you accelerate....Anyway the Smart becomes 50% more fun to drive.....at least in Sweden with one meter of snow
So Anyway ..... I just disconnected the "+" and didn't touch the gyro....And i have to say that we had big fun on the lake here in Sweden....Danke Alle Superklasse
ok many thanks !but where do i find the sensor?and what do you think is the best idea?
Vielen Dank! Von Schweden
I have the -99 Passion.So its not possible to just disconnect the Abs?