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TommyM antwortete auf Chris_Benjamin's Thema in Roadster/Coupé
Ich fahr ihn jetzt seit 3 Wochen und möchte ihn nicht mehr missen (hab allerdings noch was anderes für lange Strecke mit linker Spur...). Was langsam nervt, sind die Menschenaufläufe wo immer man auftaucht... :o ----------------- Gruß, Tommy -
Kolla, auch beim Roadster ist im manuellen Modus das automatische Hochschalten kurz vor'm Overkill ausdrücklich vorgesehen und programmiert (lt. Bedienungsanleitung, etc). Gleiches gilt übrigens auch für das Runterschalten: bevor es zu untertourig wird, schaltet er auch zurück. ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Elmar -- warte, hatten wir das nicht schon im anderen Forum? Ausgehend davon, dass wohl alle (incl. SRC) das ST wollen, geht die Rechnung auf: SC Berlin handelt das nämlich so, dass Du ein ST bestellst/bekommst. Das kostet die 1000,- (oder so) Aufpreis, und dafür gibt's dann kein HT, logo. Aber dann bestellst Du das HT aus dem Zubehör gleich mit für die 550,- (oder so), und kriegst es dann nur später nachgerüstet bzw. nachgeliefert. Da jetzt erstmal wohl kein Schnee mehr zu erwarten ist, lebe ich gut mit ST und ohne Mehrkosten. Wirklich nur dusslig, wenn einer den SRC nur mit HT (= Serie) will... Bingo? ;-) ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Die NachFRAGE ist anscheinend wirklich gewaltig. Wieviele dann aber tatsächlich bestellen, ist fraglich. Der Preis ist nicht gerade heiß, und die ideale Zielgruppe hat nicht unbedingt die Kohle... Die Gerüchte und Berichte geben wohl auch Elmar recht: einige Komponenten verursachen Delays. Beim Hardtop nicht verunsichern lassen: ich hole meinen SRC morgen ab, mit Softtop, aber das Hardtop wird dann später nachgeliefert. Schließlich und endlich will Smart nach Berichten 10.000 Stück im ersten Jahr bauen, und die müssen dann für mindestens ganz Europa reichen (nicht zu vergessen, dass wohl kaum einer das Ding zu Winterbeginn will). In England werden sie erst im Juni/Juli vorgestellt :o , und die kriegen dann erstmal nur 200 Stück (aber Linkslenker :-P :-P :-P ). Richtig los geht's da erst frühestens im Herbst. Schweden war zwei Wochen nach uns dran mit Vorstellung, und die Lieferungen kommen auch eher kleckerweise. Ihr seht, uns geht's noch Gold! :-D ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Für die unter Euch, die des Englischen mächtig sind und einen Augenblick Zeit haben, hier die KLASSE Anleitung zum Front-Lampenwechsel beim Smart! Gesehen bei http://www.thesmartclub.co.uk/ Der ehrwürdige Verfasser firmiert dort unter "smartwombat" und möge mir den Diebstahl seiner zahlreichen Worte verzeihen -- im Sinne der allgemeinen Erheiterung hier... :lol: Und los geht's: How to change the front light bulbs!? Headlight bulb changing requires practice and patience. From bitter experience, in the rain, at night, never having tried it before. On a Cabrio or Mk6, the main (H1) and dip (H7) bulbs have their own plastic covers. On a Mk5 and earlier Coupe, it's a single cover (single H4 bulb). You have to open the service grille in the tridion. On the nearside there is a filter that needs to be taken out (just pull it). If you have forearms shorter than 14.5" and elbow joint wider than 4" you are out of luck. Just put it all back again. Ok, if you have arms the sight size (Deutsche Industrie Norm and not British Standard) reach in behind the headlamp**. Feel for the round cover over the back of the headlight where the bulb is you want to change [on a Cabrio/Mk6 dip beam is the hardest to change]. Find the flat bit towards the top, not straight up but about 20 degrees towards the centre of the car. While holding the cover onto the headlamp (most important) push that clip downward and it will go click. Carefuly remove the cover and do not* drop it! Now put your arm in again and feel for the back of the bulb. Feel for the connector on the back of the bulb. Pull it off**. There's a wire clip holding the bulb in. On a Cabrio/Mk6, it's M shaped [sorry, can't remember for Coupe]. Feel for the point of the M pointing downward, just above the bulb. Press it down, and move it toward the centre of the car - GENTLY! Yet again, its time for fancy finger-work. I didn't say to take your finger off that clip for a good reason. It swings backwards (hinged at the bottom) and the bulb will fall out*. You need to be able to hold the bulb in and remove the clip at the same time. Neat trick if you can do it. Remember there's a ring around the bulb that the clip was holding? (look at your new bulb) You can hold the bulb in by that and still fold that clip out of the way, trust me. Then remove the bulb straight back, and up out of the service hatch. Phew! If you managed to keep the bulb the same way up as it was in the headlight, you're onto a winner****. You now know how to hold the replacement bulb to refit it. OK clean your hand and take your replacement bulb out of the packet holding it the right way up. Reach in behind the headlamp. I bet you, too, have to stretch in further than you think. Probably because your fingers are bent, giving you less reach. Getting the bulb in is fiddly, but you can see through the headlamp if it's aligned with the hole*****. Make sure it's all the way in, compare it to the fitent of the bulb on the other side. Otherwise the beam pattern will be all to @#%$*******. Sorry, should have mentioned that earlier. Now while holding the bulb in place with one finger, find that clip and pull it back up to the vertical. You 'll have to start out with the clip slightly to the centre of the car, again working on the point of the M shape******. Push it forward and it goes springy, then push it outwards until it hits the edges of the fixed clips, then let go. If you've done it right, the bulb won't move as you carefully* relax your finger. You can then test it by grabbing the two blade contacts and wiggling gently to make sure it's seated right and won't come out. Put the connector back on the bulb. Take your arm out and TEST IT NOW! No point in putting the rest of the bits back and finding it doesn't work OK either it worked, or not. Feel free to swear now if it didn't. It is possible to think the connector is on, but since you're doing braille car maintenance you might have put it onto only one of the contacts. Oh and you did put in a good bulb******** didn't you? Repeat previous steps until it works. Now refitting the cover is a minor challenge. Take a look at it (or a feel if in the dark). There are two legs on the bottom that go into holes in the headlamp, then the flat clip locks it in place. Put your arm (yes, and the cover) back in the hatch and carefully feel for the flat part on the headlamp (it has a little pimple in the middle). Put the feet of the cover go straight (OK at about 20 degrees off vertical) last the flat bit and into their holes. The tab on the cover should line up exactly with the flat bit and go click when the cover is pressed forward. Refit service hatch (and filter) and you're away! Main beam is slightly different on Cabrio/Mk6 as you can see it has only one pin and the other contact is on the square bit of the bulb. It's easier to reach as it's nearer the centre of the car. Just remember to push the connector all the way down, otherwise you won't get both contacts - and it won't work. The picture in the manual is useless BTW. You can't see how the 'ing clip works and have to fumble around (reading braille helps) trying to unclip the bulb without dropping it into the car. For a Coupe/MK1-5 you only have one bulb to change, and the clip is subtly different. I think it's two round bits you have to squeeze together, then pull backwards and release. But it's ages since Angie's car needed a new bulb. With practice you can get slick at this. And boy have I had practice. I can do it in under 10 minutes, start to finish. Four dip headlamp bulbs since November when I bought the car. One on the nearside and three on the offside. All OSRAM (reputable make?) and nothing fancy, no blue/laser/rain specials. Just ordinary bulbs from Halfords. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You dropped it didn't you? You probably have to take the front panels off. If you're lucky you can get it my unclipping the undertray. If youre even luckier you can get the undertray back on again before it starts to rain. ** I find I'm on the borderline of being able to do this. My forearms are too short and my elbow joints too wide. But if I pull on the front panel until it just doesn't go "crack" and break something, I can get my arm in. Then it's trapped and I have to pull the panel back again to get out, before the joint swells up - gives me about 3 minutes. *** Oh and the wiring for the bulb is at my fingertips, literally. I have to slip a finger each side of the connector and wiggle it to get it off. Absolutely no chance of getting hold of it to pull it. Offside light is easy, I'm right handed. Nearside is next to impossible to do left handed. **** If you didn't, look at the other headlight carefully. I think it goes in filament down and thick wire support uppermost. ***** Ah, it's dark isn't it? In one hand is the bulb, inside the panel. In the other hand you're holding a torch to see by. If not, feel free to swear at me. ****** That's |x/| at the bottom of the / shape, not the two upper points. | | ******* I discovered by accident that if you put the dip bulb in wrong, you can effectively get a flat beam, making it ideal for driving sur le continent. If you have forgotten your beam beflectors and you don't want to get told off by les motards, then it's a possible alternative. As is electrical tape on the headlight lens. ******** First trip we did to France, the bulb failed on the way down the hill in Dover. So I bought both the bulbs the Shell garage by the Dover docks had. Fitted one. Didn't work. Removed it. Fitted second one. Worked. Yes - we did get a refund! Whoever designed this way of changing headlamp bulbs was either: a) fired b) a child-like waif c) a gynaecologist d) given a braille roadmap e) mad The roadster had better be easier than this! Paul ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Für die unter Euch, die des Englischen mächtig sind und einen Augenblick Zeit haben, hier die KLASSE Anleitung zum Front-Lampenwechsel beim Smart! Gesehen bei http://www.thesmartclub.co.uk/ Der ehrwürdige Verfasser firmiert dort unter "smartwombat" und möge mir den Diebstahl seiner zahlreichen Worte verzeihen -- im Sinne der allgemeinen Erheiterung hier... Und los geht's: How to change the front light bulbs!? Headlight bulb changing requires practice and patience. From bitter experience, in the rain, at night, never having tried it before. On a Cabrio or Mk6, the main (H1) and dip (H7) bulbs have their own plastic covers. On a Mk5 and earlier Coupe, it's a single cover (single H4 bulb). You have to open the service grille in the tridion. On the nearside there is a filter that needs to be taken out (just pull it). If you have forearms shorter than 14.5" and elbow joint wider than 4" you are out of luck. Just put it all back again. Ok, if you have arms the sight size (Deutsche Industrie Norm and not British Standard) reach in behind the headlamp**. Feel for the round cover over the back of the headlight where the bulb is you want to change [on a Cabrio/Mk6 dip beam is the hardest to change]. Find the flat bit towards the top, not straight up but about 20 degrees towards the centre of the car. While holding the cover onto the headlamp (most important) push that clip downward and it will go click. Carefuly remove the cover and do not* drop it! Now put your arm in again and feel for the back of the bulb. Feel for the connector on the back of the bulb. Pull it off**. There's a wire clip holding the bulb in. On a Cabrio/Mk6, it's M shaped [sorry, can't remember for Coupe]. Feel for the point of the M pointing downward, just above the bulb. Press it down, and move it toward the centre of the car - GENTLY! Yet again, its time for fancy finger-work. I didn't say to take your finger off that clip for a good reason. It swings backwards (hinged at the bottom) and the bulb will fall out*. You need to be able to hold the bulb in and remove the clip at the same time. Neat trick if you can do it. Remember there's a ring around the bulb that the clip was holding? (look at your new bulb) You can hold the bulb in by that and still fold that clip out of the way, trust me. Then remove the bulb straight back, and up out of the service hatch. Phew! If you managed to keep the bulb the same way up as it was in the headlight, you're onto a winner****. You now know how to hold the replacement bulb to refit it. OK clean your hand and take your replacement bulb out of the packet holding it the right way up. Reach in behind the headlamp. I bet you, too, have to stretch in further than you think. Probably because your fingers are bent, giving you less reach. Getting the bulb in is fiddly, but you can see through the headlamp if it's aligned with the hole*****. Make sure it's all the way in, compare it to the fitent of the bulb on the other side. Otherwise the beam pattern will be all to @#%$*******. Sorry, should have mentioned that earlier. Now while holding the bulb in place with one finger, find that clip and pull it back up to the vertical. You 'll have to start out with the clip slightly to the centre of the car, again working on the point of the M shape******. Push it forward and it goes springy, then push it outwards until it hits the edges of the fixed clips, then let go. If you've done it right, the bulb won't move as you carefully* relax your finger. You can then test it by grabbing the two blade contacts and wiggling gently to make sure it's seated right and won't come out. Put the connector back on the bulb. Take your arm out and TEST IT NOW! No point in putting the rest of the bits back and finding it doesn't work OK either it worked, or not. Feel free to swear now if it didn't. It is possible to think the connector is on, but since you're doing braille car maintenance you might have put it onto only one of the contacts. Oh and you did put in a good bulb******** didn't you? Repeat previous steps until it works. Now refitting the cover is a minor challenge. Take a look at it (or a feel if in the dark). There are two legs on the bottom that go into holes in the headlamp, then the flat clip locks it in place. Put your arm (yes, and the cover) back in the hatch and carefully feel for the flat part on the headlamp (it has a little pimple in the middle). Put the feet of the cover go straight (OK at about 20 degrees off vertical) last the flat bit and into their holes. The tab on the cover should line up exactly with the flat bit and go click when the cover is pressed forward. Refit service hatch (and filter) and you're away! Main beam is slightly different on Cabrio/Mk6 as you can see it has only one pin and the other contact is on the square bit of the bulb. It's easier to reach as it's nearer the centre of the car. Just remember to push the connector all the way down, otherwise you won't get both contacts - and it won't work. The picture in the manual is useless BTW. You can't see how the 'ing clip works and have to fumble around (reading braille helps) trying to unclip the bulb without dropping it into the car. For a Coupe/MK1-5 you only have one bulb to change, and the clip is subtly different. I think it's two round bits you have to squeeze together, then pull backwards and release. But it's ages since Angie's car needed a new bulb. With practice you can get slick at this. And boy have I had practice. I can do it in under 10 minutes, start to finish. Four dip headlamp bulbs since November when I bought the car. One on the nearside and three on the offside. All OSRAM (reputable make?) and nothing fancy, no blue/laser/rain specials. Just ordinary bulbs from Halfords. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You dropped it didn't you? You probably have to take the front panels off. If you're lucky you can get it my unclipping the undertray. If youre even luckier you can get the undertray back on again before it starts to rain. ** I find I'm on the borderline of being able to do this. My forearms are too short and my elbow joints too wide. But if I pull on the front panel until it just doesn't go "crack" and break something, I can get my arm in. Then it's trapped and I have to pull the panel back again to get out, before the joint swells up - gives me about 3 minutes. *** Oh and the wiring for the bulb is at my fingertips, literally. I have to slip a finger each side of the connector and wiggle it to get it off. Absolutely no chance of getting hold of it to pull it. Offside light is easy, I'm right handed. Nearside is next to impossible to do left handed. **** If you didn't, look at the other headlight carefully. I think it goes in filament down and thick wire support uppermost. ***** Ah, it's dark isn't it? In one hand is the bulb, inside the panel. In the other hand you're holding a torch to see by. If not, feel free to swear at me. ****** That's |x/| at the bottom of the / shape, not the two upper points. | | ******* I discovered by accident that if you put the dip bulb in wrong, you can effectively get a flat beam, making it ideal for driving sur le continent. If you have forgotten your beam beflectors and you don't want to get told off by les motards, then it's a possible alternative. As is electrical tape on the headlight lens. ******** First trip we did to France, the bulb failed on the way down the hill in Dover. So I bought both the bulbs the Shell garage by the Dover docks had. Fitted one. Didn't work. Removed it. Fitted second one. Worked. Yes - we did get a refund! Whoever designed this way of changing headlamp bulbs was either: a) fired b) a child-like waif c) a gynaecologist d) given a braille roadmap e) mad The roadster had better be easier than this! Paul ----------------- Gruß, Tommy [ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von TommyM am 06.05.2003 um 20:18 Uhr ]
Danke für die trostspendenden Worte, auch wenn sie nicht so recht zu Deiner herben Signature passen... :-? :lol: Der Tip "ATU" taugt vielleicht was, mal sehen. Jemand anderes auf http://www.smartroadster-club.de meint gehört zu haben, dass http://www.blindschleiche.com im Juli mit was kommen will. Na, dann ist der Sommer ja noch nicht ganz rum... :roll: ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Bin mittlerweile aufgeklärt worden: das Rohr des SR/SRC-Auspuffs hat einen größeren Durchmesser als das beim Kugel-Smart. Damit passen die bislang auf dem Markt erhältlichen Endrohre natürlich nicht. Also abwarten, bir irgendjemand was passendes auf den Markt schmeißt. Ende des Threads... :cry: ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Hmmm, danke erstmal! Mittwoch bin ich im SC, den Roadster abholen :-D :-D :-D , dann mal schauen/fragen/ausprobieren/... ----------------- Gruß, Tommy
Hallo, Frage zum Auspuff bei SR und SRC: passen da wohl die im Zubehörhandel erhältlichen Aufsteck-Endrohre für den "normalen" Smart? Finde, der Roadster verdient auch ein bisschen Endrohr... Ciao, Tommy
Hallo, ich bin der "Neue"... SRC ist bestellt, wird 7.5. ausgeliefert (ja, ein vorkonfigurierter). Frage: hat schon mal jemand die "Gepäckraumabdeckung" aus dem Zubehörprogramm gesehen bzw. weiß jemand was drüber? Im SC hatte man keine Ahnung. Wie wird die befestigt, und läuft die direkt unterhalb des Glasdeckels lang, oder teilt die den eh schon kleinen Raum nochmal? Danke im voraus für alle schlauen Hinweise! :)