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Smart 451 2007 radio wiring, aftermarket installation

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Gruess Gott!


Meine Name ist Alex und ich bin ein neuer Mitglied, aus Kroatien. Mein Deutsch ist so-so und ich hoffe dass es nicht ein Problem waere wenn ich auf Englisch schreibe :)


I hope it will not be a problem if I write in English. I am trying to replace the original Smart radio (I believe this is radio 9) and unfortunately cannot find any info on the original radio wiring :(.


Here is the image 1:




Here is the image 2:




And here is the radio that I wish to fit:



Back side:



Do I need to buy the adapter from one wiring to another (from Smart to the Pioneer) or will I need to switch some wires?


Many thanks for any assistance!


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Hello an welcome in the Smart-Forum! :)


The Stereo Connectors of a Smart built 2007 will be shown here!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Ahnungslos am 31.03.2016 um 22:30 Uhr ]

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Welcome Alex,


as far as I can judge by your photos, you do not have the original wiring shipped with the Pioneer radio. This wiring is custom made by Pioneer to connect the Pioneer radio with the ISO standard wiring in modern cars. You have to turn to the dealer or person who sell the radio to you - standard adapters will not suit, as far as I know.









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...here is the wiring on the right (you can clearly see the ISO connectors).




If you want to buy an aftermarked wiring, here you can find one.







[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von yueci am 01.04.2016 um 08:47 Uhr ]

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Thank you all for your replies ;-) much appreciated!


Just to make sure - Marc, you seem to have the same Pioneer as myself... If I understand correctly, the connectors st the back of the device are NOT in standard arrangement so if I get the standard ISO connector and hook it up to a Smart-adaptor it will not work? Even if I rearrange the Smart side wires?


Now I have the Smart side wires, I know which one is what... If I could get the schema for the Pioneer side maybe I could rearrange the Pioneer side as well?


Vielen dank!

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Hi Alex,


no - I have never seen your radio type before - this is my car:




The only wiring I have to change were switched and life plus - everything else stays original.







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Hi, i have a Kenwood in my 2007 and i must change the Wiring. Standard ISO is not Working !


JVC, Kenwood and Pioneer is the same ...


User "Ahnungslos" posted the Link for the working Wiring.

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Focus-CC am 01.04.2016 um 12:52 Uhr ]

Mein elektrischer Stuhl: 380 Volt unterm Sitz.


Brabus Exclusiv ED Cabrio . Lt. KBA 87 Stück in D zugelassen


Zweitwagen: Mini Cooper Cabrio

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you need this ISO-Adapter for your pioneer radio.


if you have it, 2nd you must change the red and the yellow from the pioneer cables (pull it out at the rubber sealing and put the yellow one to the red one and changed).


if you doesn´t do it, the radio never save a channel and your settings.





[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von thomas4golf am 01.04.2016 um 14:55 Uhr ]




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