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Ich bin Journalist with Amerikanische Associated Press. Ich schreibe jetzt eine Meldung ueber Smart Cars fuer Amerikanische Zeitungen. Duerfte ich einpaar Frage darueber stellen? Wenn Sie auf englische schreiben koennten, es waere nett, aber deutsch ist ok.

1. Haben sie lustige Geschichte ueber Sie und Ihren Smart? Zum beispiel, jemand laechelte oder fragte ob er drin sitzen koennte.

2. Was fuer ein mensche ist ein so-genannte Smarty?

3. Machen Sie etwas besonders mit Ihrem Smart, zum beispiel ein Reise Club oder Car Shows?

4. Warum haben Sie ein Smart gekauft?

5. Wann haben Sie Ihren Smart gekauft?

6. Wie heissen Sie, in welcher Stadt wohnen Sie, und wie alt sind Sie.

Vielen Dank. Und bis spaeter.

-Hans Greimel

Associated Press


069-27230 161



Hans Greimel


069-27230 161


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hallo hans, am 22.07.00 ist ein smart-event in münchen

22. Juli 2000

smart - Lebensfreude pur !

Vom 20. bis 30. Juli findet in München im OEZ (Olympia Einkaufszentrum) eine

smart-Ausstellung statt.

Der Samstag, dem 22. Juli ist ein "special-event-day":

Neben ausgefallenen smarts wird es Live-Musik von Robert geben!

Alle smart-Freunde und -Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen zu


U.a. wartet auf alle Besucher ein kostenloses Internet-Café und auf

einer Video-Leinwand werden die Filme der letzten smart & Friends -

Veranstaltungen gezeigt.

Wer per Kfz-Schein den Besitz eines smarts nachweisen kann, bekommt an

der Bar einen Cocktail!

Darüber hinaus läd das OEZ zu einem zwanglosen Einkaufsbummel ein.

Wir freuen uns über rege Teilnahme seitens smart & Friends

und hoffen auf große Gaudi beim ratschen und herumschauen!

Euer smart & Friends - Team

wenn du das gefühl vom smartfahren erleben willst, dann ist eine möglichkeit bei avis einen smart zu mieten.

angesprochen wird man regelmäßig, von 8-80 jahren, ist einen echte kontaktbörse.

warum habe ich einen smart gekauft ???

mein porsche war mir zu langweilig.

und der smart macht viel mehr spaß wie ein porsche.

gruß aus münchen




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hi hans,

ok, your questionas about our all-lovy-dovy ....

smart is just absolutely cool!

driving a smart means to become younger every mile.

smart is more like a philosophy than a car.

just have a look into the face of a porsche-driver at the traffic lights, when he just cannot follow you anymore.

the guy who drives a smart gets the chick! not the porsche-driver! ;-)

driving a smart is like your go-kart (if you have 175er!)!

being in the countryside driving a smart means like being from another planet. people just stop and watch the car, want to have a seat, talk alot about it. women can admit more then men that they could imagine having one.

can you be addicted to a 18 feet car? no, but to a less-then-10-feet-car!

smart is cult!

sooooo, hans, just hopp to AVIS and rent one, do some cruising, but watch out, there will be a stupid grin on your face... and people will recognize that!

greetings from MUC


Mein bike-w³


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Before I went to the smart factory last fall, I couldn't imagine owning such a small car. I thought, smart was just for really big cities. I live in Kaiserslautern, which is just about 100,000 people, I think already including American forces.

When it became clear, that I would not need a four-seated cars for the next couple of years, the smart became of some interest for me. Since my wife (to be :classic_smile:) owns another car, having a smart would be not restricting.

I got mine last Tuesday, and here are some of the features I like and bought the car for:

- It features automatic transmission (or sort of), which is not common in Europe, espacially in small cars. Additonally, you can select gears manually

- It's got air-condition.

- It's nice to look at in my eyes.

- It really has a modern dashboard, unlike Opel :classic_smile:

- Considering my old Golf, it's quite cheap in insurance, tax and gas.

- And it's different, unconventional

- You CAN drive the car without customizing it. My only custom part is a little blue elephant sitting on the dashboard.

- the over-all quality of the car is good. Although you might think different when you read about problems people have here in this forum. But we are a minority of a minority (internet-using smart-owners)

- You really feel safe in it. It's got all that airbag stuff and so on...

- It's fun to drive (now, that's really why I bought it). If you test one, don't look for the faults of the car decribed in many car-tests. Just give yourself time to accomodate (is this right? I mean "get used to"). Begin driving slowly. Get used to the shifting points in automatic-mode. Then you can drive faster, selcting gears by hand reduces the feeling of "slow clutch" and whatever you heared about the transmission.

And here are things, I do not like too much about smart:

- Although there is a lot featured in the car, extras are quite expensive. That's the main draw-back when talking to other people about the car on the parking-lot.

- Some details could be better. E.g. rain drops on your seat when opening the door.

- You always get asked, why you didn't buy an A-Class. (that car is by no way similar to the smart)

- the plastic becomes scratchy easily. That's because of recycling and crash-tests: There are one or two sorts of plastic in the car. The blue sort is soft, so it won't break in an accident - but on the other hand is easy to scratch.

I hope, I helped you without being to much on the side of the smart. Try to get a detailed visit to the factory. If you follow the smart-club-site, look out for a tour planned to got there together with smart enthusiasts. And, rent one! Try to get one with an rpm-meter. And a diesel, if they have, and a cabrio. Then compare.

Be fair in your test!



smarten Gruß,
Stefan (00547)

ICQ #220619760

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it just make fun to drive a smart. the people are looking on you like on an alien. and it is very cheap in gas an taxes.

by estranged


no one likes me,

i don´t care

no one likes me,

i don´t care

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