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Importance of Upgrading the Technology of Ultrafine Mill

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As a kind of common grinding equipment, the high-efficiency grinding mill, with the advanced machine structure at home and abroad, has been updated on the basis of the property of other common grinding mills. Compared with the ball mill, the grinding mill has higher efficiency, lower power consumption, less floor space, and less one-off investment. Although the grinding rolls and the grinding ring of the grinding mill have been worn to a certain degree, the quality and the fineness of its final product are not affected due to the centrifugal force of the machine. Its quick-wear parts should not be replaced very frequently for the long service life of the grinding rolls and the grinding ring. With the cyclone separator and the blower, the ultrafine mill is of less dust.

The ultrafine mill mainly consists of the main engine, analyzer, blower, cyclone separator, and the air hose. In many industries like mining, the ultrafine mill is widely used to make ultra fine powder from many kinds of materials, such as soapstone, marble, limestone, etc. The range of the particle size of its final product is 80-425 mesh even the particle size of some material ground by it can be 600 mesh.

In the operation of the ultrafine mill, after the material is fed into the machine from the side hopper of the machine, the grinding rolls hanging on the star rack rotate around the vertical shaft and press the grinding ring, which can make the material be ground.

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