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Recently I came across a defective SAM on a Smart 2005CDI ... I replaced it with a used but functional SAM. I did the adaptation with MBStar / Xentry 2014 @ C3 and everything was fine until I read VIN.
I am coming to the new SAM (new on my car) it is natural other than the car.
MBStar has given a message that it is already exist a VIN and he is no longer dealing with it. Now I should virginize the new SAM ... or clone it. It would also be the way to rewrite the eeprom.
As my knowledge of software leaves much to be desired, I opt for the physical change of the MC9S12DG256C 2k79X, where the targeted eeprom is also located. Being a 112-pin capsule can cause some problems ...
Any opinion is welcome.

bearbeitet von mottofreee

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Didn´t you planned to contact Paulius?

705 Kilometer mit 19,43 Litern sind 2,75 Liter/100 Km.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb mottofreee:

Recently I came across a defective SAM on a Smart 2005CDI ... I replaced it with a used but functional SAM. I did the adaptation with MBStar / Xentry 2014 @ C3 and everything was fine until I read VIN.
I am coming to the new SAM (new on my car) it is natural other than the car.
MBStar has given a message that it is already exist a VIN and he is no longer dealing with it. Now I should virginize the new SAM ... or clone it. It would also be the way to rewrite the eeprom.
As my knowledge of software leaves much to be desired, I opt for the physical change of the MC9S12DG256C 2k79X, where the targeted eeprom is also located. Being a 112-pin capsule can cause some problems ...
Any opinion is welcome.

Hi , 


if you have xprog and xentry, then where is the problem ? copy old MCU and that's it !!!


Es geht nicht immer nur ums Geld

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The problem is that I'm a little 'illiterate' in programming, for example I'm still struggling to bring nyo4 for pinout.
Now I see things like this: I see pinout and glue the wires, connect xprog and do all the memory of the FF FF FF FF FF processor ... after that I peel off xprog and mount SAM on Smart. There, SAM being a virgin I will be able to transfer with Star the previously read data from the old SAM.
Or I just take the processor from the X pack and stick it on the Y board - I've done that before and I know what to do, while when handling software everything is a blast.

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In der Zwischenzeit habe ich den Motor gewechselt, alles funktioniert gut.
Auf der Seite des Computersystems besteht das Problem der Fahrgestellnummer und des Kilometerstandes weiterhin. 
Ich denke daran, SAM mit Hilfe von MBStar zurückzusetzen. Klemmen Sie die Batterie ab und schließen Sie sie nach 20 Minuten wieder an. Ich denke, das Computersystem wird dies als eine SAM-Änderung wahrnehmen.
Danach werde ich eine SAM-Synchronisation mit MBStar durchführen. So wird es vielleicht die VIN des Autos (die auf der Karosserie) und den Kilometerstand des Autos (vom Kombiinstrument) abrufen.
Ist das möglich?

In der Zwischenzeit ist MBStar "geknackt" und XProg "verschwunden". MBStar wurde zu 100 % wiederhergestellt.

Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)

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