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I live in Cairo, and there is no smart centers here. My panel shows -- insted of "N" or the key symbole, and the engine wont start at all, can anybody help please. :(

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EDIT: wrote nonsense... :roll:

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von RPGamer am 30.06.2004 um 14:30 Uhr ]

sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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...Or Chat with Smart ;-) :lol:




But, Maybe it's error an Error in Gearbox or Clutch.


Display shows up:








mysmart_sig.jpgMarkus [me»mysmart.tk]

online?icq=86087037&img=21 img.cgi?fahrzeug=100864



[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von RPGamer am 30.06.2004 um 14:42 Uhr ]

sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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will be tough to fix that without a local smartCenter.... anyhow, the three line in the display indicate that something is wrong with the gearbox or gearbox control.


There are a lot of postings about this problem, in every case the sC changed s omething i.e. the CPU, some sensors, the actuator or even the hole gearbox.


My suggestion: Nearest sC is in TelAviv :-D , or even better: try to get in contact with smart, and get the thing fixed with MB Egypt.


They should be able to read out the CPU memory, and work with smart to assist you.


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von LGross am 30.06.2004 um 22:42 Uhr ]

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thats quite a suggestion... tel aviv :-D

mb egypt should be capable of fixing the problem or should be able to localize the problem. they should have (or get) the necessary software and parts from mb without greater problems.


before contacting mb egypt or smart you could try this: remove the styrofoam wedge on the passenger side under the carpet, disconnect the battery and wait aproximately 30 minutes, then reconnect the battery.

then turn the ignition on. this might help getting the car to work again, because the sensors are resetted...


a personal remark: i always heard the traffic is a complete mess in cairo, is that true and is a smart the safest solution? regarding the space consumption, the smart definitely is...

well i was just wondering.





alles wird gut, holzauto


smart-Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V. mein smart verbraucht im moment: spritmonitor.de


alles wird gut, holzauto

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Thanks for all of you guys for the contributions, and here are my replies :


1- It's not a Gear problem, cause the screen shows -- not the three lines for the gear.


2- My battery was dead, and when I changed it this problem started.


3- Tal Aviv :o


4- Yes, the traffic here in Cairo is Hell, and the smart is the best soultion, but as you can see it's not now because there is no smart center here :-?

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did you just changed the battery, or did you connected it as well to a charger? Maybe wrong polarity during charging?



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Hey Marzouk,


I'm sorry to read about your problem - I'm in Canada (Vancouver Island) and have a new smart fortwo cdi cabriolet on order, which I should get this autumn.


According to the owner's manual that I downloaded from the "my smart" section of the British smart site, there is no = symbol on the shifter LCD screen.


Rather, there is only a single dash - or three dashes. The single dash means that there is a CAN Data Bus malfunction (the dash will flash) and the three dashes mean there is a shifting system fault.


I agree with the comment of LGross. If, during the battery exchange, the new one was momentarily connected with incorrect polarity, this could have fried part of the electrical system, most likely a SAM module (which decodes the coded digital electric signals). I hope that is not what happened.


I still would recommend that you disconnect the battery for 30+ minutes as Holzauto wrote, re-connect it and see what happens. It's worth another try.


After trying unsuccessfully to start or drive the car, you will likely have error codes stored in the car's central electronic system module (N10 in the smart wiring diagrams). To see any codes, find someone who has an OBDII (On-Board Diagnostics two [iI]) tester, plug it into the car's serial data port (under the dash on the driver's left) and read the codes.


At least if you have the codes you could begin a meaningful dialogue with a distant smart centre, they will know what the stored codes mean and they might be able to give you some helpful suggestions. They might also be able to send the necessary parts to effect a repair.


If you can't find an OBDII tester locally, they are sold on eBay (be sure to buy from a reputable vendor if you do that).


That is all I can suggest for the moment.


I wish you the best of luck! :)

Mike T, Kanada

2006 smart BRABUS Canada 1 cabriolet 380023_5.png

2013 Ford Fiesta 1,6 SE Schaltgetriebe 542252_5.png

2008 Mercedes-Benz B 200 Schaltgetriebe 206221_5.png

1966 Peugeot 404 Coupé Injection 201066_5.png

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Thanks LGross and Mike for your responces...after invistigation, and long interogation of the stupid mechanick who I asked to try to jump start my car, he admited that he wrongley connected polarity during charging for a secound and then tried to with right one, then the problem started :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Do you think I lost my car, what can I do, or what kind of spare parts I can order.


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hi there,


try to get your smart to a servicepoint of mb egypt. they should have the necessary obd2 testing equipment, as all new mercedes cars have this kind of onboard diagnosis.

and even more important, they have the possibility to check the smart with the original software as long they are connected to the daimlerchrysler intranet and therefor can obtain service software from daimlerchrysler. that is the best way, the next best thing is to read out the errorcodes the way mike_t described.


since i'm getting my car from a smartcenter tonight (broken windowlifter) i'll ask them, what might be destroyed as a result of a wrong battery polarity. i'll post theír replies tonight.





alles wird gut, holzauto


smart-Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V. mein smart verbraucht im moment: spritmonitor.de


alles wird gut, holzauto

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hi marzouk_amr,

i just wrote an email to smart germany and told them of your problem- i hope we get some answer :-?

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hi guys,

today i received the following message:


"vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.

Wir kümmern uns um Ihr Anliegen.

Freundliche Grüsse

Ihr smart infocenter Team"




"thank you for your message. we worry about the problem."



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heute erhielt ich folgende Info von Smart:


"Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich so engagiert für Ihren Bekannten in Kairo einsetzen.

Tatsächlich ist es so, dass wir mit unseren Produkten in Ägypten nicht offiziell vertreten sind und deshalb auch keinen Service in Ägypten anbieten können. Der Export und der Betrieb eines smart Fahrzeugs in Länder, in denen smart nicht vertreten ist, kann nur auf eigenes Risiko erfolgen.


Bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass uns eine zuverlässige Diagnose aus der Ferne nicht möglich ist. Die Elektronik unserer Fahrzeuge ist sehr komplex.


Die Striche im Display deuten darauf hin, dass ein CAN-(Daten-Bus)-Ausfall vorliegt. Blinken zusätzlich die Tankanzeige und die Temperaturanzeige, so ist davon auszugehen, dass ein Steuergerät blockiert ist. Die naheliegendste Ursache könnte eine durchgebrannte Sicherung sein.


Wir können Ihrem Bekannten in Kairo nur empfehlen, zuerst sorgfältig alle Sicherungen im Fahrzeug zu überprüfen. Wenn es sich um ein smart fortwo früheren Baudatums handelt (vor 2003), befindet sich zusätzlich zum Sicherungskasten unter dem Cockpit auf der Fahrerseite eine weitere Relaisbox hinter dem Fahrersitz.


Sollte der Fehler hiermit nicht lokalisiert bzw. behoben werden können, ist die Verbringung des Fahrzeugs in ein smart center wohl unumgänglich, da wir nur dort entsprechende Unterstützung leisten können.


Wir hoffen, dass unsere Angaben ein wenig weiterhelfen.


Freundliche Grüße

Ihr smart infocenter Team"



Kann das bitte jemand für unseren "Freund" in Kairo übersetzen?

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well, here is the translation from smarts reaction:


"we are glad that your are trying to help your friend in cairo, but as our products are not sold and supported in egypt the car is used at your own risk... (i shortened this bit).


Please understand that a correct long distance diagnosis is almost impossible. our cars electronics are very compex.


the lines in the display suggest that a CAN-bus failure is existent. Are the temperature display and the fuel gage blinking too, an electronic control unit might be blocked. The most obvious reason could be a burnt through fuse.


We can only suggest to your friend in cairo to thoroughly check all fuses in the car. If the smart for two is of an earlier building date (pre 2003) another relay box is behind the drivers seat in addtion to the fuse box beneath the steering wheel.


If the problem is not solved or loacalized with this hints a transfer to a smart center is inevitable, as a more thorough support can only be offered there.


We hope this helps you in localizing your problem.



smart infocenter Team"



that's it, more or less. i tried to be accurate in the technical description, the "blabla" i translated rather freely... :roll:


anyway, i hope this helps




alles wird gut, holzauto


smart-Club Schleswig-Holstein e.V. mein smart verbraucht im moment: spritmonitor.de


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von holzauto am 09.07.2004 um 09:40 Uhr ]

alles wird gut, holzauto

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Laut DC ist das nächste SC in Tel Aviv:


Contact: smart center Tel Aviv

2 Hashlosha St.

67080 Tel Aviv

Phone: +972-3-6380808

Fax: +972-3-6380811



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Thanks Alot Ingenieur for all your help, I'll do a check for the fuses today, I hope this dose the trick. Thanks also for the SC of Tel Aviv, but IO'll leave this as a last resort. :-D



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:lol: :-D :lol: :) :-D :-D :-D

Thanks A million guys!!


You really helped a lot. it turned out to be a burnt fuse :-P


Big Thanks goes out to Ingenieur and Holzauto and Mike_T for the big support. I owe you one. If you ever plan to be in cairo, please tell me and I'll take care of the rest


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das habt ihr gut hin bekommen.... :)

klasse ap.gif











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Marzouk, I'm glad to read that it was something as simple as a fuse! That is great news!


Someday I will visit your beautiful country - thank you for the offer! :)

Mike T, Kanada

2006 smart BRABUS Canada 1 cabriolet 380023_5.png

2013 Ford Fiesta 1,6 SE Schaltgetriebe 542252_5.png

2008 Mercedes-Benz B 200 Schaltgetriebe 206221_5.png

1966 Peugeot 404 Coupé Injection 201066_5.png

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turn the key back to zero (or position "11" o clock) press the botton on the key once. You´ll hear a "beep". Than you can start you´re engine. (By leaving your foot on the break, of course...)

I´ve been told it´s for the anjti-theft system.







2006 cdi grandstyle


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it was a joy for me to help, but at the end i did nothing.

The guys from the info@smart.com did the job.

Drive careful- you have the only smart in Egypt :-D

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