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Wer hat noch eine mail von Freund Valentin aus Russland bekommen?!

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schickt die Schnorrer-Mafia neuerdings auch mails?! Was für eine moderne Welt, lol....


Naja, da spare ich mir doch das Wegschicken eines Care-Pakets und nehme doch glatt das bequeme Angebot war, Geld zu senden...




Dear Friend,

Please excuse me for any inconvience caused by this message.

My name is Valentin. I'm a student and I live with my mother in the city of Kaluga, Russia. My mother is invalid. She cannot see and she receives pension from the government very rare which is not enough even for medications.

I work very hard every day to be able to take care of my mother, but my salary is very small, because my studies still not finished.

Due to the crisis our authorities recently stoped gas in our district and now we cannot heat our home. I don't know what to do, because the winter is coming and the temperature in the street can be lower than minus 20 degrees Celsius. I'm very afraid that the temperature inside our home can be very cold and we will not be able to survive.

Thanks to the free internet access at our local library I was able to find several e-mail addresses, including yours, while browsing different websites and I decided to appeal to you with a prayer in my heart for a small help.

If you have any old electric heater, warm clothes, high-calories food, vitamins, medicines from cold weather, any hygiene-products, I will be very grateful to you if you could send it to our postal address which is:

Valentin Mihaylin,
Ryleeva Ulitsa, 6-45.
Kaluga. 248030,

If you think that it would be better or easier for you to help with some money, please write me back and I will give you details for sending it safely if you agree. This way to help is very good because the necessities here are not very expensive.

I hope to hear from you very soon and I pray that you will be able to help us to survive this winter. I also hope very much that this hard situation will get better very soon in our country.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005. I'm sending to you many thanks in advance for your kind understanding. Please excuse me, once more, for any inconvience I could cause you by sending this message.

Valentin and my mother Elena.
Kaluga. Russia.





Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin

Stahlratte & sein BOO

B-OO 678


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Stahlratte am 17.11.2004 um 00:27 Uhr ]

Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin


42 Brabus Xclusive



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Hast du wirklich Geld geschickt?

Acht mal aufs Datum, für mich sind das die Zeugen Jehova auf russisch.


November 24, 2000.

Dear Friends,

Please excuse us for any inconvenience caused by this message. This is our first and last message to you, and we will
never bother you again.

As you know, Russia is now in a deep financial and economic crisis. It is impossible to get a job because of
unemployment in our country. Our parents, invalids and war heroes are forced to sell their own blood to buy enough food to
keep alive. Because of this terrible situation, we are permanently hungry and sick due to cold and exhaustion.

In the summer-time we could eat fresh vegerables grown in our garden. But now our garden is empty because of the winter
since it is covered by the snow. The only food we can eat is cakes cooked from acorns we have collected in the forest
during the last summer. But this food is not enough for our organisms and we are very afraid to be dead soon because of

Therefore, we, due to a service opportunity of public access in the Internet and hopeless situation have decided apply
to you with request to help us. If you can donate something that is possible to eat, we would be very happy if you could
send it to our address is:

Valentin Mikhaylin
Ryleeva Street, 6-45
Kaluga. 248030

We also would be happy if you could send us any old warm clothes from your grand and greatparents which you do not use
anymore. These clothes would allow us to be in warm.

If you think it is better to help with money, please let us know and we will give you details on the best way of sending
it safely. It is a very good way to help, because of the crisis now prices in Russia are much lower than in the West.

We hope very much that soon we will not be forced to ask for help once again, because our politicians promise to make
the situation better in our country during the summer - autumn 2001 year and we piously and sincerely believe in it.

We wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2001 Year. We pray the Lord
keeps his hand on You.

God Bless You,

Valentin Mikhaylin and my family.
Kaluga. Russia.









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ALTER FUCHS!! :lol: :lol:


Von diesen voll bescheuerten Mails bekomme ich ca. fünf im Monat. Immer irgend ein Russe, Moldawier, Rumäne, Kazache,... usw. Komischerweise sind diese EMails SO sauber und toll geschrieben, daß es den Menschen, die das "angeblich" schreiben, gar nicht SO tragisch gehen kann...


Aber das ist noch gar nichts..... ich arbeite ja in einem Finanzagentur und was wir da für Schreiben aus aller Welt bekommen bzgl. Anfragen für Geldwäsche, illegale Drogen/Waffengelder usw.... und ich weiß, daß alle Banken weltweit solche Sachen massenweise bekommen. Arg ist ja, daß sich irgendwo immer jemand skrupelloser findet. :-x


Euer Cowboy 8-)



Mit dem Smart in den Sonnenuntergang...




"Dare mighty things"

Theodore Roosevelt


[b]Mit dem Smart in den Sonnenuntergang...[/b] [img]http://www.ajmajewski.com/smartforum/sunset.jpg[/img] [b]"Dare mighty things"[/b] Theodore Roosevelt

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NEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIINNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :roll:




Heute habe ich bereits das zehnte Mail der letzten Wochen von unserem tollen (mittlerweile) Kumpel Valentin bekommen. :-x :(


Bitte sagt doch mal wer diesem Heini, daß die Westliche Welt nicht so blöd ist wie alle annehmen! :(




Euer Cowboy 8-)

[b]Mit dem Smart in den Sonnenuntergang...[/b] [img]http://www.ajmajewski.com/smartforum/sunset.jpg[/img] [b]"Dare mighty things"[/b] Theodore Roosevelt

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ist doch schließlich bald Weihnachten - gib´ Deinem Herzen einen Ruck....



Schick ihm doch einen alten 5,- DM-Schein: Den kriegt er bestimmt nicht so einfach in Russland umgetauscht !!!!


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D



Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin

Stahlratte & sein BOO

B-OO 678


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Stahlratte am 03.12.2004 um 21:05 Uhr ]

Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin


42 Brabus Xclusive



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Der GMX-Filter hat ihm was geschickt....ne Umleitung in den GELÖSCHT-Ordner! :-D Den Valentin erkennen die inzwischen wohl automatisch.


Da gab's ma 'ne Zeitlang 'ne ähnliche Masche mit Tierheimen in Rumänien oder Ungarn oder so. Alles der gleiche Dreck!


Smart me up!

zungekl.gifSmartling aus dem wWw zungekl.gif

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von smartling am 09.12.2004 um 14:01 Uhr ]

Smart me up!
Smartling aus dem wWw
Lieber V8 als Hartz 4!


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