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ZAP: Rekordverkäufe in USA

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ZAP Rides Smart Car Sales to Record Month


SANTA ROSA, Calif., March 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Automotive pioneer ZAP announced today that its initial sales in various model year Smart Cars have exceeded $2.3 million, which would result in record monthly auto sales since ZAP launched its automotive marketing.


"The purpose of this announcement is to let the world know that we are executing on our business plan," said ZAP CEO Steve Schneider. "This is just the beginning. We look forward to the rapid ramp up to fulfill the demand for these wonderful micro cars".


Recently, ZAP and its partners announced that 2005 model year Smart Cars are being delivered and sold to dealers in: Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Washington, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. ZAP is establishing a nation-wide dealer network that specializes in smaller, more fuel-efficient gas systems, electric cars, hydrogen, fuel cell, alcohol, hybrid, trybrid and other innovative power systems.


About ZAP


ZAP has been a leader in advanced transportation technologies since 1994, delivering over 90,000 vehicles to consumers in more than 75 countries. The 2005 Model Year Smart Car Americanized for ZAP currently complies with regulatory requirements in all states except California, New York, Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont. ZAP is not affiliated with, or authorized by, smart gmbh, the manufacturer of Smart automobiles, or the smartUSA division of Mercedes-Benz LLC, the exclusive authorized U.S. importer and distributor of those vehicles. For more information, visit http://www.zapworld.com/"



Hm, klingt toll, aber die überarbeitete Kugel kostet lt. älteren Meldungen schlappe 25-30.000 $ in Amiland. Teilen wir 2.3 Mios mal durch 25.000, macht - richtig, 92 Kugeln. Na ja... :roll:




I love you all!




I love you all!




Für GV ohne Horst S.!*


*GV = Grevenbroich • Horst S. = Horst Schlimm, Schlamm, Schlämmer

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