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USA: Smart muss für $ 99 reserviert werden

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Interested in buying a Smart car?

Call dibs


Updated 2/6/2007 4:28 AM ET

By Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY

HENDERSON, Nev. — Trying to become one of the first buyers of the Smart minicar — likely the most-talked-about car to hit U.S. streets next year — will involve patience and $99.

To sort out those who are more serious about buying one of the 8-foot, 8-inch minicars, Smart USA plans to start taking "reservations" on its website, www.smartusa.com, starting in about two months, says Smart USA President David Schembri, speaking at a conference here.


The cars arouse interest because there's nothing else like them on the road.


Featured in movies such as The Da Vinci Code, the three-cylinder, twin-seater Fortwo, about the size of a golf cart, conceivably can be parked headfirst into a parallel-parking space.


The new model, which made its U.S. debut at the Detroit auto show last month, was redesigned to pass U.S. crash tests.


When cars are available, those who filled out reservations will be contacted by Smart dealerships to see if they are still interested.


If they are, the $99 reservation fee can apply to the Fortwo's purchase price, expected to be less than $15,000 for the base model.


If they aren't interested, the fee will be refunded, Schembri says.


The fee "gives someone ownership and a production reservation," he says. He said the step was necessary because of high interest: The website has had 540,000 visits since June.


That was when DaimlerChrysler announced that an updated version of the French-made Smart car would be coming to the USA.


However, the automaker turned sales over to an independent distributor, United Auto Group, which is headed by former race-car driver Roger Penske.


Schembri, a veteran auto industry executive, says dealers are still being picked. Most will have connections to DaimlerChrysler brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler or Dodge.


A demonstration roadshow to introduce Americans to the Smart car kicks off this summer in 44 cities.


The Fortwo will come in three versions, including a convertible.



I love you all!


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I love you all!




Für GV ohne Horst S.!*


*GV = Grevenbroich • Horst S. = Horst Schlimm, Schlamm, Schlämmer

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