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Clooney´s Elektro-Smart kommt gut an

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Die Resonanz auf Clooney´s Smart mit Lithiumpower scheint gut zu sein (ist ja kein echter Hybrid, eher ein Smart EV):


Gefunden bei ccnmatthews.com:


Hybrid Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:HYBT) Reaches Millions as George Clooney Lithium Smart Car Hits the Pages of People Magazine (NYSE:TWX)


HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA and NEW YORK, NEW YORK--(CCNMatthews - Feb. 9, 2007) - Hybrid Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:HYBT) www.hybridtechnologies.com, emerging leaders in the development and marketing of lithium powered products worldwide, is pleased to announce that one of the world's most popular magazines, PEOPLE (NYSE:TWX), has featured the ever popular Hybrid produced lithium Smart Car in its February 19th issues.


Click here to see detailed press release:




The coverage, a record for Hybrid Technologies with respect to the sheer size of its audience, is due to both the A-list celebrity interest in the highly advanced lithium vehicle and to the American audience's growing interest in the electric vehicle movement. With page views reaching over 26 million a day, PEOPLE magazine clearly represents the pulse of American and international popular culture.


PEOPLE is a weekly American magazine covering celebrity and human interest stories, published by Time Warner Inc. As of 2006, it had a circulation of 3.73 million and revenue expected to top $1.5 billion. It was named "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005 for excellence in editorial, circulation and advertising.


The all lithium Smart Car produced by Hybrid for NASA under a Space Act Agreement has been released for public purchase and is attracting significant worldwide interest due to the range of 150 miles on a charge and the low cost, starting at 40k. For more information on how to purchase an all lithium Smart Car please click here: www.hybridtechnologies.com/smartcar_order.php




Hier gibt´s ein kleines Bildchen...



I love you all!


25iq.jpg :-D

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von schaefca am 09.02.2007 um 18:54 Uhr ]

I love you all!




Für GV ohne Horst S.!*


*GV = Grevenbroich • Horst S. = Horst Schlimm, Schlamm, Schlämmer

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