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I have a Fourtwo from -99 its not so stabil on motorways ! anyone whit a tip or is the car like this ?



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Breitere Reifen auf der Vorderachse würden helfen. Zum Beispiel 175er Bereifung vorne und 195er auf der Hinterachse.


Das Grundproblem (kurzer Radstand, hohes Auto) kann man so natürlich nicht ändern. :-D

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As i bought my Car i felt it was komplete unsafe to drive ... Being used to a real Sportscar i missed the sability and the Handling. Than i lowered the Suspension and put wide Alloys and Tires on. NOW it drives as safe like a real Car !!!

What the Hell did the Stipid Engineers and studied Dumbasses at Mercedes-Benz/Smart think about using Baby-Tires as thin like Dishes on a Girafe Suspension ???


Low and wide - thats your solution !!! ;-)

Keep on rollin´ ....

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Thanks for your answer ! but if you put brietfelgen on a BMW for exempel its more nervous on bad motorways its not so stabil and if you put on the economic 185/65r15 again its going lik a train




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You have to choose what you really want.


Nevous, unsafe jumping around with Stock-Suspension or safe driving around every Corner an a Limit high up??? For my Part i want safe driving with better Handling than driving around sliddering over the Roads like a drunken sailor. This "wannabe"-Comfort-Billshit is in erverybodys Head and when you ask the Peaople they never have driven a real good modified Car .... My second Car has 9.5x18 and 7.5x18, Bilstein Suspension, H&R-Springs, Eibach Sabilisers .. and, and, and ... and drives like riding on a railway ... okay, on bad Roads you know where your Tax to the Covernment is gone ... but in Stock-Setup the Car is hardly to controll and really unsafe. Many People think it only jumps around on the Road like this "Pimp-Rubbish" .. until i take them for a Ride. Normally they get quite when the first Cornering comes an i hit the 250 km/h on the Autobahn. No nervous jumping around. Full and easy controll at every Situation ...


Similar with my Smart - Around the Corner linke making a 9-Degree-Line ....


But Yeah, Pseudo-Comfort and jumping around like a Easter-Bunny is more important than safe driving ????


I Bought my Smart just for the Town and rolling at minimum Speed in Traffic Jam to Work. I was shocked how bad the Handling in Stock-Setup is. No Wonder that it fell on the Side when the Elch kame along ... ;-) --- just as i lowered it and put wider / bigger Tires / Alloys on it really drives like a "grown-up-Car" ....


Just try it ...


Since for up to 20 Years now i modified EVERY car i had, because the Factory-Setup is always unsafe for enthusiastic Drivers. Even BMWs that Advertise their Sporty-Image. What a Billshit! Hard to control and unsafe at every Speed over 50 km/h !!!!


Exept a Porsche or something like this, i think nearly every Car needs an "Overhaul" of Suspension an Handling.

Keep on rollin´ ....

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