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Alpine & Smarts Demo car

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jepp - gäbe sonst lustige plastikflecken auf dem boden hinterm auto! :-P

und auch von mir noch mal der tipp an alle neulinge: auf KEINEN fall nachmachen! :o

spätestens seit der hochtönerausrichtung schön auf die scheibe is ende gelände. ok - war es eigentlich schon bei der dämmwolle... :lol:





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Am 01.03.2008 um 20:58 Uhr hat AckeOfSweden geschrieben:
Hope you like it. Please write something about my building, what you think about it.


Jetzt kann er es ja noch verbessern...die Messe ist erst nächsten Monat. Vieles ist leider nicht richtig durchdacht und ich hoffe mal, dass das TYPISCH Deutsch hier zur Nachbesserung veranlasst...wenn es noch machbar ist! ;-)

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Obwohl ich meine Doorboards auch mit so einem Stoff ausgefüllt hab, bei mir kann aber keine nässe rein, weil da ist ja das Rainstop drüber :-D war ein Tip von meinem hifiguru.. Was es aber ganau bringt, kann ich nicht sagen..


BMWfli ;-)


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von BMWfli am 06.03.2008 um 16:03 Uhr ]

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Am 05.03.2008 um 22:28 Uhr hat YelloXS geschrieben:
hoffen wir mal , dass der motor nie recht warm wird , bei dem sbatsand zwischen neonröhre und auspuff!!


We are not going to drive the car anyway

Andreas Media markt Sweden

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I will be very happy if we take this in english if you dont mind.. Heer comes new pictures. if you wait 5 minutes



Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Here comes some new pictures:)



New producs



Building the box






Starting to prepere the front of the box






Front almost done



Making the box for the ampifer



Dreased the box for the ampfiler









The new batteri













Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Every time you post pictures is the next time when we find MAJOR mistakes of you installation.


I'm really sorry to say that, but what all people are writing (im German) is the way in which unprofessional way you are installing this "show installation".


Next issue on your last pictures:

Too long cables from capacitors to amps!

These capacitors ONLY "look nice" - with THAT long cable they WILL NOT have ANY influence into the power situation.


And by the way: This installation is NOT really as "interior-modifying" as it lets me understand why the car won't be driven anymore.


Will the car be shown in Germany? If yes, where? Sinsheim fair?





Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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we should be happy that it doesnt look like this





Alpine CDA-9855

Audison SRx4

Xetec Gravity G5 TMT &

T-20 HT

Out: Rainbow 10" Tornado im BR

In: Doom Audio D3-12 im BR

Plans: Dämmung ! s000.gif


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von BigBoi am 06.03.2008 um 21:07 Uhr ]

How hard can it be?

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Am 06.03.2008 um 20:39 Uhr hat Hifi-Matze geschrieben:
Every time you post pictures is the next time when we find MAJOR mistakes of you installation.

I'm really sorry to say that, but what all people are writing (im German) is the way in which unprofessional way you are installing this "show installation".

Next issue on your last pictures:

Too long cables from capacitors to amps!

These capacitors ONLY "look nice" - with THAT long cable they WILL NOT have ANY influence into the power situation.

And by the way: This installation is NOT really as "interior-modifying" as it lets me understand why the car won't be driven anymore.

Will the car be shown in Germany? If yes, where? Sinsheim fair?



Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de


Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART


the way in which unprofessional way you are installing this "show installation??

First of all, how can you criticize this work before its even finished. insted of criticize me and the work, just give me some feedback and tell me what you think could be better. And i will tell you what i were thinking. Just talking behinde my back in german ist nice ether.And you doint even know how i am, i just did this to think it should be funny for you to se it. nothing else. And its not going to be in german, this car is going to Elmia in sweden for show of, when its finished, after that it will be in Media Markt Malmö.

And the cabels is going to be 20cm long, im going to cut it beacuse the amp is going to be in the front, i was only for showing how many it was.

Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Hey Acke. Don't let yourself bring from the quiet. Many read and look, in the same line like me. I am not an expert, however, follow up your contributions very interestedly and enjoy about this.

Sometimes our "Lords of Sound" seem very strict, but they are always very helpful and nice guys.

A forum, by the way, lives particularly by contributions illustrated so well as yours and less by quarrellings.


Therefore from my side for your engagement - thumb high.



Originalität lässt sich schwer beschreiben.

Aber auf den ersten Blick erkennen.



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well - it IS funny to see that, but with an other background, that you might intendet... ;-)

sorry! :-D


we could take most of your pictures as examples for our "please don't copy that"-thread... :lol:

ok - you are doing the most much better than this very extreme examples in the thread, but you're also doing very much not in the way, it should be done. :(

first of all the damping, wich only should be done with alubutyl etc..

why is the subenclosure not totaly out of mdf? the "preßspan" (sorry - got no englisch word for that) in the back of the box... :o

therefore it should be a showcar - why are you turning the interesting things away from the people, wich may stand behind the open car?

the tweeterposition is also very bad! everybode trys to avoid reflections in the window - this position "amplifies" them... :(


again sorry for our critic, but some of us are active in the soundoff-scene and there you MUST build after a strong rulebooks - the one of the EMMA for example.

some of our works you can see in threads like this, that (my ex-smart), here and there.


i hope, you understand now, why we are so shocked about your installation... :roll:





[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Kevin_Lomax am 07.03.2008 um 08:54 Uhr ]

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Am 06.03.2008 um 20:39 Uhr hat Hifi-Matze geschrieben:
Every time you post pictures is the next time when we find MAJOR mistakes of you installation.

I'm really sorry to say that, but what all people are writing (im German) is the way in which unprofessional way you are installing this "show installation".

Next issue on your last pictures:

Too long cables from capacitors to amps!

These capacitors ONLY "look nice" - with THAT long cable they WILL NOT have ANY influence into the power situation.

And by the way: This installation is NOT really as "interior-modifying" as it lets me understand why the car won't be driven anymore.

Will the car be shown in Germany? If yes, where? Sinsheim fair?



Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de


Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART


If you didnt know the amps are in D class and the pdx amps from Alpine doesnt need that much power

Andreas Media markt Sweden

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If you didnt know the amps are in D class and the pdx amps from Alpine doesnt need that much power


1.) I know these amps.

2.) YOU argue they don't need power - BUT why do you install capacitors then?

3.) Capacitors do NOT WORK with a longer cable way than 30 cm.

THIS is the thing I criticize.





Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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Am 06.03.2008 um 21:39 Uhr hat AckeOfSweden geschrieben:

the way in which unprofessional way you are installing this "show installation??

First of all, how can you criticize this work before its even finished. insted of criticize me and the work, just give me some feedback and tell me what you think could be better.

I DID! Just read my last postings!


And i will tell you what i were thinking. Just talking behinde my back in german ist nice ether.

I'm sorry for that, wasn't my intent as you can see I wrote you all my thought in english!


Ind you doint even know how i am, i just did this to think it should be funny for you to se it. nothing else.


Hey thats fine - but YOU PLEASED us to give comments and YOU wrote you want to know OUR OPINION about this install.

So I'm sorry to say that - but you didn't say "give me your comment IF they are positive"...



And the cabels is going to be 20cm long, im going to cut it beacuse the amp is going to be in the front, i was only for showing how many it was.

This is fine, even if I couldn't imagine that after viewing this picture:



I don't want to screw you - but you asked for opinions. MY PERSONAL opinion is, that your installation has some major mistakes in it. They are probably okay if the car won't get driven - but the car still CAN drive - and that's why I don't understand you are installing the stereo system in a way it won't be able to get driven again.


And if you show pictures of this major installation mistakes - you have to live with the comment on that.


But hey - I would gladly help you, but for this, you have to LET us help you...


Best wishes




Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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Am 07.03.2008 um 10:00 Uhr hat Hifi-Matze geschrieben:

If you didnt know the amps are in D class and the pdx amps from Alpine doesnt need that much power




1.) I know these amps.


2.) YOU argue they don't need power - BUT why do you install capacitors then?


3.) Capacitors do NOT WORK with a longer cable way than 30 cm.


THIS is the thing I criticize.










Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de






Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART




The kabel will be 20cm long

Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Mhh...my english is the greatest bullshit on earth. But I`d like to ask something about your work.



Why don't you take the capacitors on/in the sub-box? There it will look better and you don't have any problem with the seat. (and shorter )



Why do you buy a 210€/m cable, which doesn't fit?



Why do you take the processor in front? One long optical-cable is moved easier and you lost no quality of sound. Ok, nobody must see this box, because it looks boring.



Why this tweeter-position? The tweeters lost the best part of the highfreqeuncy. It will work, but it isn't the best! So, for what is this 210€ cable?



In my opinion your work is very simple...too simple for a show-car. No Gfk, no Special, no aha-effect...everybody find this in every car on the street. Search for Maik Kruck!!!



By the way:

Forget the coax/triax! Please!!!

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Am 07.03.2008 um 23:49 Uhr hat DP-Smart geschrieben:
Mhh...my english is the greatest bullshit on earth. But I`d like to ask something about your work.


Why don't you take the capacitors on/in the sub-box? There it will look better and you don't have any problem with the seat. (and shorter )


Why do you buy a 210€/m cable, which doesn't fit?


Why do you take the processor in front? One long optical-cable is moved easier and you lost no quality of sound. Ok, nobody must see this box, because it looks boring.


Why this tweeter-position? The tweeters lost the best part of the highfreqeuncy. It will work, but it isn't the best! So, for what is this 210€ cable?

In my opinion your work is very simple...too simple for a show-car. No Gfk, no Special, no aha-effect...everybody find this in every car on the street. Search for Maik Kruck!!!

By the way:

Forget the coax/triax! Please!!!


*Why don't you take the capacitors on/in the sub-box? There it will look better and you don't have any problem with the seat. (and shorter )



The capacitor is perfekt were they are, and it isnt any problem with the seat, we have already test it. The cabels are 20cm short or less. and thats enoth


*Why do you buy a 210€/m cable, which doesn't fit?


What do you meen doesnt fitt, do you know how importan the cabel is?? if you have bad cabels, you are just wasting money on your equitment


*Why do you take the processor in front? One long optical-cable is moved easier and you lost no quality of sound. Ok, nobody must see this box, because it looks boring.


The Box have i hide under the instrument panel, and the optical cabels can not be 4 meters long, you will lose the sound alot, the optical cabel is build with a laser light thats the way it transfer, if you have longer cabels the light will foll of and there will be bad sound.


*Why this tweeter-position? The tweeters lost the best part of the highfreqeuncy. It will work, but it isn't the best! So, for what is this 210€ cable?


The tweeter position is perfect. we have test it in many places, and the sound is much bether if its against the window.


*Forget the coax/triax! Please!!!


Doint understaind what you mean with that.

Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Am 09.03.2008 um 23:50 Uhr hat AckeOfSweden geschrieben:


The capacitor is perfekt were they are, and it isnt any problem with the seat, we have already test it.

The rear seat FOR SURE will NO remain it's FULL funktion.

Believe it or not, you WILL notice it when it's done.



The cabels are 20cm short or less. and thats enoth

I still doubt that, but it's up to you to show this to us at the end of the install... so we'll see.



What do you meen doesnt fitt,

YOU wrote you have to modify the cable!!!


do you know how importan the cabel is?? if you have bad cabels, you are just wasting money on your equitment

Of COURSE - but you will NOT hear any difference of a 50 or 200 Euro OPTICAL cable in a car!

The reason DP-Smart write this is - you are WAISTING money with that "high-end-cable" - and forget to care about MUCH MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES during this installs.


btw: if you care so much about cables - why do you use standard-speaker cables (who effects the SQ MUC more than a optical cable).




The Box have i hide under the instrument panel, and the optical cabels can not be 4 meters long, you will lose the sound alot, the optical cabel is build with a laser light thats the way it transfer, if you have longer cabels the light will foll of and there will be bad sound.

Telecom guys use optical cables for intercontinental connections.

Unless you don't buckle that cable - you won't have problem with ANY lenght you can use in a car!!




The tweeter position is perfect. we have test it in many places, and the sound is much bether if its against the window.

Sorry, but that is PERFECT WRONG ;-)

With THAT position you will have direct and indirect phases of the tweeter - it will NOT result in a CLEAR signal - it will make "phase problems" for SURE.


As mentioned above - this is why I call you an "unprofessional" installer.


YOU are asking for opinions and when you got suggestions which ARE GOOD and can HELP you - you throw them away by telling "I am installing perfect, I don't need your help".


Sad but true: It's not the way you install - it's the way you don't want to LEARN how to install. You are SO far away from beeing a professional installer - because you are missing major BASICS!


Have a good night!




Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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Jag tror det blir bra detdär, Gillar lådan med de sänkta stegen :)

Vad blir det på baksidan av lådan - ja jag e nyfiken.

Fortsätt i samma stil så blir det kanon!

(tänk vad endel har mycket åsiker -otroligt)

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