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Speaker upgrade in 451

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Hello all fellow smart drivers :)


I’m sorry for writing in English, but my German writing is not so good, but please reply in German, in that way I’m forced to train my German :)


I have a Smart fortwo, the new model (451) without any sound upgrade, only the standard door speakers, and now I want to upgrade them.

I really want to keep the installation as discrete as possible, So I would like to use the original speaker grills.


After a lot of reading on this forum (and others) I know how to replace the speaker in the doors (thanks to you all). But I also want to implement the tweeters in the same place as the original (I know that this is not a ideal placement, but again I think it is the most discrete).


So now I have a few questions:


1) Have anyone tried to replace/mount the tweeters, is it just a matter of dismount the dashboard? Anything to pay special attention to?


2) I have planned to buy a set of MB QUART RUA 216 Reference, they should fit in the doors (in the depth). Maybe I need to make a adapter to fit them. Are they OK, or has anyone a better suggestion? (The price is approx. 200 Euro)


3) How is the original wiring in terms of filters ect. ? I have made a drawing of how I think it is, but I don't know...

So the questions are:

Are there filters between the connector and speakers, as on the drawing?

Or is the filtering done inside the original smart radio?

Or, how is it done?




Thanks in advance.


Grüsse aus Dänemark.


Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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Hello Peter,


welcome to the Smart-Forum ;-)


Regarding your questions:


1.) As fas as I know, nobody tried to replace the OEM tweeters. After the position is VERY bad (very small stereo triangle, tweeters are way to close to each other, also the tweeters are way down into the dashboard, so the are using kind of a "waveguide" until they reach the reflecting windshield), I'd prefer to use a different position.


2.) There are NO adapters available - and even if they would be available, it still makes no difference, the position is bad.

I'd suggest to read (or even view) my installation thread.


3.) There are no filters in the radio.

The wiring example you showed seemes to me correct for me, but I don't exactly remember the details.

The filter of the tweeters are attached to the tweeters, the midranges don't have any filters at all....


Best wishes




Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



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Hello Matze

Thanks, and thanks for your reply.


1) Regarding the tweeters, I almost already knew this :roll: How will you fit the tweeters in your installation?


2) Is the position of the midrange door-speakers also bad? I guess the only bad thing is that a lot of damping material is needed. And you need to make sure that the speakers are properly mounted.


3) Ok, thanks.


So a mounting depth of 70mm for the midrange doorspeakers should be OK (if you mount the the same way as you did, not using the original speaker-grill) ?


Any suggestions for a speaker "kit" (tweeters + midtone + filter)? in the limited price range of 200- 300euro? :-D


Grüsse aus Dänemark


Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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Hi Peter,


1.) I'd suggest this postition:




2.) That's what I meant. Good damping it QUITE important!


What kind of music do you listen to?

Do you want to have the Radio powering the speakers of do you plan to install an amplifier?


Best wishes




Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



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Hi Again


1) That placement should be OK, but that of cause requires that the tweeters also look good :-D


2) OK, I understand.


Well the music I normally listen to in the car, ranges from jazz to pop and rock.


I plan to use the internal amplifier in the headunit and see how it goes. btw. the headunit is a Kenwood DNX7200.


Grüsse aus Dänemark


Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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Am 11.03.2008 um 21:30 Uhr hat smart42dk geschrieben:
Hi Again

1) That placement should be OK, but that of cause requires that the tweeters also look good :-D

2) OK, I understand.

Well the music I normally listen to in the car, ranges from jazz to pop and rock.

I plan to use the internal amplifier in the headunit and see how it goes. btw. the headunit is a Kenwood DNX7200.

Grüsse aus Dänemark



Hey, I am new here. I am reading the forum for a while now, but I decided to register, since I received my new 451 on Monday.


I am as well about to change the sound system and had just recently an idea, how to place the tweeters. Waht about using the same instruments like smart is using for the watch. You place them in the suggested corners and I am sure that looks pretty nice... :)

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Hey :)


I am as well about to change the sound system and had just recently an idea, how to place the tweeters. Waht about using the same instruments like smart is using for the watch. You place them in the suggested corners and I am sure that looks pretty nice...


That might be a solution, maybe not the most discrete one :) but it would properly eliminate the refelctions from the windshield, because you would be able to point then directly towards the listener, or?

Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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Hejsan.. Har du tittat i min projekt tråd på alpines och smarts demo bil. Om du tittar hur jag har gjort där med mina tweeters. Blev perfekt. och blev riktigt bra ljud också...



Andreas Media markt Sweden

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Am 12.03.2008 um 14:38 Uhr hat AckeOfSweden geschrieben:
Hejsan.. Har du tittat i min projekt tråd på alpines och smarts demo bil. Om du tittar hur jag har gjort där med mina tweeters. Blev perfekt. och blev riktigt bra ljud också...


Sorry I can not help you with this issue, since my Swedish is quite poor... :-? :lol:

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Am 12.03.2008 um 14:38 Uhr hat AckeOfSweden geschrieben:
Hejsan.. Har du tittat i min projekt tråd på alpines och smarts demo bil. Om du tittar hur jag har gjort där med mina tweeters. Blev perfekt. och blev riktigt bra ljud också...


He'd better NOT look into your installation thread, because your installation is NOT "perfect", even you if mean.


I'd REALLY love to meet you somewhen... to PROVE what you all did wrong.


And by the way: If YOU want us not to write German in YOUR thread - STAY also in english in this thread.


Best regards




Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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[Hejsan.. Har du tittat i min projekt tråd på alpines och smarts demo bil. Om du tittar hur jag har gjort där med mina tweeters. Blev perfekt. och blev riktigt bra ljud också...




I try too tranlate to bad German..

Er sagt,

"Hallo.. Haben sie meine alpine und smart project gesehen, die plazirung is super und die sound sind sehr schööön"

Sorry fo my sehr schlecht Deutch :-D

/ aden


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von aden am 12.03.2008 um 20:17 Uhr ]

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Many thanks Aden, your German isn't that bad! And even if, you tried - that's what count!


But I also told my opinion on what he wrote... :-D





Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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I have read the tread regarding the Alpine smart, and I really don't have any opinion regarding that.


So back to my "problem" :-D


Any suggestions regarding speaker kit's in the range of 200 to 300 euro.


One more thing, the most tweeters I have seen is made to sit "flat" on the dashboard pointing up towards the windscreen. As mentioned elsewhere this might cause phase problems due to reflections, correct?

Or would you normally put them in somekind of adapter in order to get the correct angle towards the driver (something like the pods mentioned by Kai_Hawaii) ? :-?


Grüsse aus Dänemark


Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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Here in Sweden there are two schools(opinions) about the tweeters placing:


1: Directed direct too the driver for a krisp direct stereo sound.

2: Directred trou(via) the windscreen which can give a softer and more diffused sound, as i see it no2 is if you want a more descret interrior but no1 gives you sharper sound.


Luckely i drive a450 and there are the tweeters allready placed :-D (not descreet and not direct)

How do you say i Germany?

tjuss / aden :)

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Of course the tweeter should NOT sit flat on that position, but most speaker sets include angled adapters for the tweeters.


After you are listening to mostly instrumental music, I'd rather suggest you to take the Andrian Audio A2 system like many of us here do.

Unfortunately they are more expensive than you expect, but I'd PROMISE you - your money will be "well-invested".


If you for sure do not want to invest that amount of money, then i'd suggest you an Audio System HX 165 SQ component system.


But remember: You always have to plan something additional for the damping materials.


Best wishes




Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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Thanks, somehow I already knew that you would suggest the Andrian Audio A2 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now I almost have to try them out, to see if they are as good as you say.... :-D


Does the Andrian audio A2 come with midrange speaker grills, and are there angle adaptors for the tweeters included?


Now I just have to source the damping material in Denmark, I guess that it will be to expencive to ship form Germany.


Again, thanks for the replies.


Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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hallo peter, willkommen im forum :)


erst mal herzlichen glückwunsch zu der headunit, ich habe in meinem 451er auch ein DNX7200 8-)

ein speaker-upgrade ist verständlich, denn die normalen smart lautsprecher sind nicht so toll. ich habe in meinem das soundpaket, was mir völlig reicht, auch wenn andere sachen sich um einiges besser anhören. mit ist allerdings der aufwand diese einzubauen viel zu hoch.


ein beifahrer fußraum sub wäre vielleicht noch eine überlegung wert.


für deine wünsche und deine finanziellen mittel bist du bei hifi-matze sehr gut aufgehoben. er weiß, was er sagt, und hat die erfahrung, dir das optimal equipment zusammen zu stellen.


Gruss der Määäh



Gruss der Määäh

Nutze die Zeit, es ist schon Später als du denkst!


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Danke Määähhh :)




The Andrians don't come with grill, but you can use that one instead.


For shipping costs: I have a "flat rate" of 19,90 Euro per order to Denmark ;-) If it costs more, I'll cover that.


Best wishes






Unser Reisebericht USA2005 online auf www.janaundmatze.de



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART



Hifi-Music.de - der kompetente CarHifi-Shop mit allem rund um den SMART

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Hi all

Sorry for my lack of response, but it has been a busy couple of days.


Frank-ME: Danke :)

Yes, I like the DNX7200 too, and think that it is good value for the money. I bought mine in England, and it was only approx. 1000 euro in total, inclusive the Bluetooth adapter and Ipod interface. :-D


Since I only have the door speakers the sound is really not very good :( I have never heard a Smart with the sound package, but I guess it is quite a bit better that the one I currently have in mine.


When the speakers are installed, I will look for a subwoofer solution, however I think I will build one by myself. I would prefer to have a placement below the seat, but I don’t know if there will be space enough.

I have been looking at the u-dimension RM-406 SL, which only require approx. 6,4L cabinet.

I don’t need a very heavy bass, just enough to handle the low tones...



Is that the same grills that you use? (Yours looks nice..) Or does the ”g” versions come with grills?


Flat rate: I like that :) now I just have to figure out ALL the stuff I need and place one big order :-D


Grüsse aus Dänemark




Visit www.smartklubdanmark.dk the Danish smart site.

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