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was haltet ihr davon

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Der Interessent bezieht sich auf folgendes Inserat:


Smart Smart & passion, Coupe, 05/2000

Rot, 42925 km, EUR 5199,-


Weitere Fragen:

Dear Seller,

I was fortunate to spot your advert on the net and I like to know if

it is still availabe for sale . if available,please get back to me with

the following


Are you the first owner?

Any accident?

Your last price ?

Present condition?

Also the pics?

where are you based?

why did you intend to sell it?

Pls get to me immidatelly you read this E-mail



Bitte kontaktieren Sie ihn unter:




Telefon: 0


Ich habe Interesse an:



Viel Erfolg für den Verkauf Ihres Fahrzeuges wünscht Ihnen,


Ihr AutoScout24-Team






Are you the first owner? - no, the second owner

Any accident? - no

Your last price ? - min. 4950 Euro

Present condition? - the present condition ist very good, they smart has a little scrape on the back site, its not damage inside and outside


Also the pics? i stick to the mail a photo


where are you based? /


why did you intend to sell it? i have Twins, i need a bigger car.


I speek a little bit english. I hope you unterstand my answers.


By by


Thanks for the response to my mail.I have contacted my client and he is okay with the price.He said he will send out the CERTIFIED BANK DRAFT to you for as mean of payment......


Am very sure you are a honest person and like to transact with you.The CAR will be used in a MOVIE and the PRODUCER of the MOVIE will be very glad if you can sell the CAR to him for the MOVIE and also giving to you a previledge for you to come NEW MEXICO(USA)and look how your CAR will be used in the Movie..........


You have to note that the shipping payment will also be added to the actual amount and this will be handled by my shipper so you dont need to worry about the shipping.I understand that the payment will clear first before arranging for the pick-up and shipment of the car.

So send the below informations so that the payment can be sent to you:


FULL NAME..............


FULL ADDRESS...............



POSTAL CODE..............



PHONE NUMBER(S)...............

LAST PRICE............................


Please note that a copy of the MOVIE will also be sent to your address when the film is PACKAGE .As soon as i recieve this details, i will ensure that you recieve payment in 3 working days



Was haltet ihr davon?Will der uns irgendwie übern tisch ziehen?Sowas hab ich noch nie gehört.Gibt es in New Mexico keine Smarts?


Bin für jede konstruktive antwort dankbar

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Na in den Staaten is der Smart doch jetzt erst rausgekommen, oder?? ich kann nur sagen das meine Cousine aus Californien letztes Jahr sehr erstaunt über meinen kleinen war also sie hier war..


Aber Auto verkaufen und ne Gratis Reise in die Staaten, schon seltsam..gg


Aber die da drüben sind auch nich so schlau.. als ich da war dachte die Tochter von meiner Cousine Germany wäre ein Staat der USA.. gg


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von DaisysTears am 07.04.2008 um 20:32 Uhr ]


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Am 07.04.2008 um 20:30 Uhr hat Steffi_Holger geschrieben:


hast du sowas schonmal gehört???

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