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Spare-key doesnt work after changing battery?

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Hello Smarties


My spare-key has just got a new battery, and then I found out that the key cant un-lock the doors or even start the engine!


It communicates in someway, as the car-lamps are lightning up 6-8 times when pressing the button!


Anybody here who know how to wake up the key again?




[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Flop am 25.04.2008 um 17:06 Uhr ]




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The Key lost the code and you have to go with the first-key and the spare-key to a Service Center of Smart to load the correct code in the spare-key again.

But you should do it soon, because your first-key can loose the code too.

Worst case a la Mac Murphy


Then you would have a big problem!




[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Ahnungslos am 25.04.2008 um 17:41 Uhr ]

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Hello again


Have just visited the DK-Smart-center, but unfortunately they couldnt help me.


Thats not correct, they offered me to order a new key for the price of 300+ Euro, additional to the i have to pay for the programming as well.


Before I order what they offered me, I would like to ask you smarties.... Isnt there a more simple cure to get the existing key working?


If I have to, I will gladly take the car to germany to get the key fixed !





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I assume your smart is from about 2003+ because from that time the problem started to occur quite often.



In most cases the key has just "forgotten" the right code to unlock the car. It is working (you can see it because the car reacts on the key) but it has just not the right keycode.


I do not know exactly, but if your first key is working fine you should go with both keys and your smart to the service center (again) and insist that the keys are re-programmed. I think they need to re-programm both/all keys.

And I think it is the same way like they do when they are programming a complete new key! Just force them to do that!



Anyway, I think a new key in a smart center in germany would cost about 100-120 euros.

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von RPGamer am 04.06.2008 um 10:51 Uhr ]

sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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Yes you are right the car is from 2003, just bourght it 3 month ago in Hamburg.


And the key with new battery are communicating with the car, as all lamp are flashing when pressing the button.


The problem in DK is that so far there is no original importer of the Smart-car and therefor the isnt any smart-center here. I have to visit Mercedes-center... but the dont know anything... so far!


Have seen there is a smart-center in Flensburg, i think I will contact them to discuss how to progress.


Thank you very much for your advice!





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Normally it should be no problem to bring a new Code in the key, but when you can sell a new key, it will bring more cash!

To bring a new Code in the key many SCs do it free of charge or for ca. 20.- EURO.

Perhaps you should contact the SC in Flensburg.


Sorry for my English! :)

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Just a question:


Do I have to bring the car with me, or is it only necessary to bring both keys?


Just wondering if I can avoid the driving distance (250 km) in my Smart!






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I think it's safer, when you drive with your Smart in the SC.

Normally both keys are enogh, but i think it's important to test the Key immediately after coding.

It will be very bad, when you come home and notice, that the key doesn't work.

I wonder why you try to avoid this Distance with your Smart!

250 km with the Smart is absolutely no Problem!


With the danish Speed Limit it will be a comfortable tour! :)

Have fun!

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Ahnungslos am 04.06.2008 um 18:37 Uhr ]

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I think you will have to bring the car with the keys. They'll need to synchronize the keys with the immobilizer.

Normally it is some kind of rolling code, so the immo and the key have to talk about the right code first. I think SMART used some cheap shit to implement this. My old VW Golf didn't have any problems even with keys which were not used for years and pressed with no car in sight.

But if you bought a new VW key it was no problem to get the immo to learn it. Some keypresses, some door locking and opening - and the key was programmed. Or with VAGCOM in 5 seconds...

Shame on Smart for this cheap shit.... :roll:

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Another example: The new electronic carkey from BMW recharges it's battery when it is in the ignition ;-)



sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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