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16 or 17??

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Hello everybody,

i saw on various tuner site, that the standard for wheels transformations on the new (451)smart is 17 inch on front and 17 on the rear.(195/40/17 front- 215/35/17 or 225/35/17 rear)

I saw also some solutions with 16 inch on front and 17 on rear(195/45/17 front, the same 215/35/17 or 225/35/17 as above for the rear).

From your experience which solution is better?

On the front wheel what will be the difference using 16 or 17 inch.


Many thanks in advance for your answer.






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Hi Roby!


I have an old smart, so i can't really tell you about wheel sizes and comfort - but look at this:





Am 01.05.2008 um 21:41 Uhr hat möma geschrieben:

- Felgen sind ATS Aquila 7x17 ET 50
- Reifen sind Hankook Ventus S1 Evo 195/40/17 rundum
- 3/5 Loch - Adapterscheiben : vorne 20mm / hinten mom. 28 mm

Der 451 verträgt optisch auf der Vorderachse 17" einfach besser - zumindest mit der H&R Tieferlegung, die nur 1cm beträgt und dadurch noch "Raum lässt".

215/35 für hinten hatte ich auch zuerst im Kopf, aber der Reifenhändler hat mir abgeraten. Jetzt bin ich echt froh darüber, da ich einen gaaaaaanz deutlichen Komfortgewinn verbuchen kann (hatte 215/35/17 auf den alten Felgen). Auch kann ich nicht bestätigen, was mir ein Tuner bei den SmartTimes in Zell am See gesagt hat, dass 17 Zoll vorne beim 451 recht stuckig und hart zu fahren seien. Auch hier habe ich gegenüber den alten 16" deutlich an Komfort gewonnen.

Ein weiterer positiver Nebeneffekt ist, dass durch den anderen Abrollumfang mein Smart um ganze 8-9 km/h schneller geworden ist - natürlich GPS-gemessen! War vorher durch die 195/40/16 bei 141/142 km/h Schluss, so sind es jetzt 149/150 km/h, bis der Begrenzer einsetzt - das entspricht am Tacho rund 155/156 km/h.


With 17" on the front and on the rear (with 195/40/17) the comfort ist better than with 16" on the front an he's faster either :-D


Here it goes


PS: IMHO you should take 17" defintely - any smaller wheels will look very tiny in the wheel arch... ;-)




42 passion bj 2000 | silber/baygrey | powered by rs | >>> spritmonitor

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von aCKtrion am 14.06.2008 um 16:42 Uhr ]

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I going not true with aCKtrion´s opinion, because it´s a question of individually taste! :-D


I love the style with a big "smart-ass" - so I like the 16"-front wheels with the bigger 17"-rims at the rear.


It looks pretty cool, with tires in 225/35/17 and 20mm spacer washer ...I think, 195 wide tires around are too small for the 451-smart...







Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin


42 Brabus Xclusive




Grüße aus dem smarten Berlin


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in my opinion you should the wheel design you like best!

then you should choose for YOURSELF what´ll be the optimal size.


i have LORINSER SPEEDYs with 17 inch all arround and i love them.


195/40 on the front and 215/35 on the back.









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Thanks, i think that the look is important but also the technical result.

For example i saw some new smart with 18" inch wheels, normally it sholud be better, but i do not know if 18 on the smart will increase handling or not.



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Am 15.06.2008 um 14:17 Uhr hat leopedro geschrieben:

For example i saw some new smart with 18" inch wheels, normally it sholud be better, but i do not know if 18 on the smart will increase handling or not.


I'm not sure about the handling with 18" all around but I'll tell you with the normal engine and 18" all around you're not be able to drive highspeed records :-D

But with a servo steering it should be no big problem...

But it look's very good and fills the wheel arch completely - a combination of 17" in the front and 18" on the rear is also very interesting ;-)


Look here (18") or here (17"/18")




42 passion bj 2000 | silber/baygrey | powered by rs | >>> spritmonitor


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von aCKtrion am 15.06.2008 um 14:49 Uhr ]

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Thanks Acktion,

My smart pulse(84cv) is equipped with servo steering and eilbach springs.Do you think that the 18" will fit without touching the chassis.

I think that i will buy AZEV wheels, simply because they make special version for Smart(3 holes)and also because of pricing.They make 7.5x17 and 8.5x17 or 7.5x18 and 8.5x18 wheels

with the same ET therefore i think that they should fit.

Do you know any technical problems with 18?






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I'm not sure about the fitting of the 18" without problems...

As you can see in the Threads that i've linked, you can have luck and your wheels will fit without problems, as you can see at the yellow cab, or at the silver smart with the commercial stickers in the other thread.

But there is also the possibility that the wheels you've chosen will touch a part of the chassis/the panels (look at the black smart with the black/chrome rims), in that case you must install "federwegbegrenzer" (i think "bump stoppers" is the right word...), maybe you must cut off some plastic of the panels either, if you chose 18" all around it seems like you must check this direct on your car... ;-)

As far as I know, are 8,5"x18" the maximum for 451 anyway - maybe you try 8"x18" (or 7,5"x18" if you choose Azev) to make sure that you get no impossible problems...





42 passion bj 2000 | silber/baygrey | powered by rs | >>> spritmonitor

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von aCKtrion am 15.06.2008 um 17:07 Uhr ]

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