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english please?

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and all your english is very good!

i can only wish i learned a second language in school but didnt. germain would be my choice. a lot of people speak mexican but were so inadated? with them (illegals that sneak into our country) that i have hard feelings about them. oh well.

anyways i hope you can understand me because sometimes my spelling and puncuation are bad.

what colors do you have there on your smart cars? my secret smart product will be the basic colors we have here, red white blue black yellow and silver. and im hoping to have a little ebay sales in europe.

thanks, don



hung like enstien, smart as a horse


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von donnyonee am 27.07.2008 um 17:12 Uhr ]

hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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For the current modell it is definitley the new grey colour which gives the car a very elegant accent, especially together with the silver tridion.



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I´ve got an silver/white smart pulse mhd (with 71hp) ... you`ve changed your mustang :o :o :o omg, ok ;-)


i think we should meet us in america :) a smart meeting in us, 3 plains for the smarts, an 1 plain for the smart-forum community!!!everyone sleep at your home, every evening barbecue and pool partys :) an nice event, and after the event we sent the bill to mr. bush (the new president Obama). the event is very important for the german-US friendship :)


we should think about it :)


greetz from germany



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just a little bit ... but i think it`s a very good idea :)


he could say to his neighborhood (schreib ich das nu richtig?): i become a visit from my german friends :)

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Oh oh, typical German translation mistake:

become means "werden" ;-)


He will get (I think there are better words than "get") visitors.

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jup, thats school german (besser geht sicher, aber für nen realschulabschluss bin ich stolz drauf :) , aber nun weiß ich was ich lernen könnt )


gruß sven

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Ich bin alles andere als ein Englisch-Freak, auch Mittlere Reife.

Aber das "become"-Beispiel unserer damaligen Lehrerin ist haften geblieben: "I become a Schnitzel" :-D





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lol ... ja solche beispiele kenn ich auch noch, sneaky snake etc. omg, lang lang ists her, aber englisch brauch man eben immer mehr, dass gute alte eindeutschen stirbt leider aus :)



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come on now, english please.

i'll ask the wife if its ok for you all to come over. the barbque is ready and the pool is sparkling clean.


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von donnyonee am 27.07.2008 um 22:23 Uhr ]

hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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be careful with invitations to Germans, there take your word and enter your home ;-)


Does a car rental company offers a smart in US?

Gruß Frank




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no, i have not seen any for rentals


[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von donnyonee am 27.07.2008 um 23:20 Uhr ]

hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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They say when you order a smart fortwo today, you will have to wait about one year to get it. Until now there are about 10.000 smarts in US. I think there are not enough smart fortwo's for rental (and I also think there are not enough customers which want to rent a smart).



sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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ive heard of waiting 12-18 months to get 1.

i think there are enough people who'd like to rent but there are none available, that i know of.

with the economic situation we have here, there were 4-5 orphans on the mercedes lot today. those would be smart 451s that people ordered then turn down when the car arrives. those left over cars are what the dealers are selling for way over price and in some cases actually getting it. they ad a few extras but make a killing on the price. but then again most of the mercedes are well into the 6 diget amounts, why would they mess with peanuts when they can sell the whole cake.

but i do enjoy my car.

we did the pre-party cruise today and it was nice, only 3 cars, 5 people, but we were able to take care of what we needed to and stopped for lunch. lunch was free because the owner said we'll be bringing him more business with the 0ct party., very nice man.




[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von donnyonee am 28.07.2008 um 02:37 Uhr ]

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von donnyonee am 28.07.2008 um 02:38 Uhr ]

hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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