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thank you. im from california, usa and im new to the smart car. i recently bought a 2008 451 and enjoying it.



hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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I´m not afraid, so I´ll reply.


Say can you post a picture of your speedometer?

There is a thread been startet cause people in Germany are asking themeselves what the new one Modell 2009 will look like.

It is predicted to look like the one in the US Smart.


See ya


derNeuling (thenewone)

Bin Neu hier, seid mir nicht Böse




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Am 26.07.2008 um 23:25 Uhr hat donnyonee geschrieben:
dont be afraid. reply.


Congratulations, have fun with your new smart. I'm always happy to see the tiny Mercedes is selling well in USA! :) However I think they should also sell Brabus-Versions there. I'm sure there would be a market for this slightly overpriced model ;-)


Unfortunally the most topics here in this forums are in german and there are no non-german forums here (but at smartcarofamerica.com). But anyway im sure you will always get replys to your posts, so: "welcome to smart-forum.de" :)


slk_sig2.gifMarkus [me»mysmart.org]





2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr...          Spritmonitor.de

2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr...   Spritmonitor.de

seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr...               Spritmonitor.de


sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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Am 26.07.2008 um 23:37 Uhr hat derNeuling geschrieben:
There is a thread been startet cause people in Germany are asking themeselves what the new one Modell 2009 will look like.
It is predicted to look like the one in the US Smart.


Just have a look into this thread. You can find (high-res) images from the US press-kit.

sig_amg2.gif" border="0" align="rightMarkus [me»mysmart.org]


2003-2006: smart city-coupé&passion (2000) - mehr... | 2006-2008: smart forfour BRABUS xclusive (2006) - mehr... | 2010-2012: smart fortwo coupé passion 52kw (Modelljahr 2011) - mehr... | 2012-2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2012) | 2015: Skoda Superb Combi TDI DSG (2014)


Aktuell: seit 2008: Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 (2004) - mehr... | seit 2015: Skoda Octavia RS Combi TDI DSG (2015)

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Hi donnyonee,


On your side of the pond there is also this forum: SMART



06 CDI Pure

07 ER6-N






08 CDI Passion

08 DL650A





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i cant post a pic but i will send it to your email address. mine is paigendon@adelphia.net.

i am a member of smart cars of america already. mercedes benz is hosting a smart birthday party oct 4 2008. im on 1 of the sub committies to organize a cruise after the event. smart cars are growing here, about 10,000 cars so far.

hung like enstien, smart as a horse

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